Chrysan S.A. has a strong regional presence in the market of Maritime Agencies since its foundation, as an Agency and as Cargo & Ship-Brokers.
By incorporating in its staff of personnel, professionals with proven experience in all maritime activity and with high attachment to ethical and moral principles, which are maintained up to the present, the company has been led to a solid and a permanent growth.
For all of us here at Chrysan, it is not only important to develop a relationship of mutual respect with our clients but also with our colleagues and competitors, thus ensuring a sound bond of trust, dedication and loyalty to our customers that will result in concrete benefits for all of them in the commercial, operational and personal aspects of our relationship.
These values of respect, ethics and morals, are fundamental guidelines for our constant growth and rendering of services, continuously trying to provide a fairer and more convenient advice to the interests of our clients, ensuring optimum operating results with profound positive intervention in the commercial result of each trip.
Our aim is the extensive satisfaction of the Owners and Charterers who have already trusted their vessels to our attention and of those who in the future will do so.
Satisfaction to which we tend by maximizing the use of resources and by minimizing the risks taken, together with a coordination throughout all the activities we develop, from the moment of our nomination until the final settlement and the corresponding dispatch of the Disbursements Account.